The second half of the 24th meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD’s) Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) was conducted in person in Geneva, Switzerland, between 14 and 29 March 2022.  As the first in-person meeting convened by the CBD after the Covid-19 pandemic, and as the final chance to negotiateContinue Reading GOBI at CBD SBSTTA-24

Sea turtle movements demonstrate marine connectivity across the high seas

Sea turtle movements demonstrate marine connectivity across the high seas

A recently published study – led by Duke University’s Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab (MGEL) with support from GOBI – used satellite tags on sea turtles to analyse complex movements across critical habitats. In total 1,235 sea turtles representing six species were tracked. These highly migratory animals were tagged in 79 marine regions around the world,Continue Reading Sea turtle movements demonstrate marine connectivity across the high seas

New IMMAs recognised internationally

New IMMAs recognised internationally

Eleven prime areas for threatened and vulnerable dolphin and porpoise species in the Black and Caspian Seas have been formally awarded Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Task Force on Marine Mammal Protected Areas.  These areas were identified as significant for those species during the IMMA regionalContinue Reading New IMMAs recognised internationally