The GOBI Secretariat is ready to take part in the fourth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC4) in Coquimbo and La Serena, Chile. During the week-long congress, GOBI is hosting a symposium session, where it will expand on how the utility of EBSAs can be enhanced for area-based management. After that, in conjunction with the CBD Secretariat, GOBI and a handful of its expert partners will facilitate a workshop to explore ways in which data underpinning EBSA descriptions might be used to establish and manage marine protected areas. While in Chile, GOBI intends to hold its annual meeting for members, providing a rare opportunity for the community to mix and mingle.
The congress presents an ideal opportunity for publicising the depth and breadth of GOBI’s efforts, from its (sea)grass-roots research to its engagement with the high-level international political process. To capitalise on the exposure, GOBI will be launching its latest Newsletter (for a preview, click here). Proceedings from the congress will be available from