North Indian Ocean Seabird Workshop held in Mumbai

North Indian Ocean Seabird Workshop held in Mumbai

By Tammy Davies, Ramesh Kumar Selvaraj, Sathiyaselvam P. A 3-day workshop convened by BirdLife International and Bombay Natural History Society was held in Mumbai, India, in June 2023. The aim of the workshop was to bring together the available data to document major movement patterns by seabirds in the North Indian Ocean to complement theContinue Reading North Indian Ocean Seabird Workshop held in Mumbai

Announcing 36 more candidate IMMAs for the NE Atlantic and Baltic Sea

Announcing 36 more candidate IMMAs for the NE Atlantic and Baltic Sea

The tenth workshop of the IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force concluded an intensive week in Germany (22-26 May 2023) with the identification of 36 new candidate Important Marine Mammal Areas (cIMMAs) going for independent review. Participants consisted of 53 scientists and observers from 13 countries who are specialists in whales, dolphins, porpoises andContinue Reading Announcing 36 more candidate IMMAs for the NE Atlantic and Baltic Sea

IMMA Secretariat travels to Karachi to help implement IMMAs in the coastal waters of the Arabian Sea

IMMA Secretariat travels to Karachi to help implement IMMAs in the coastal waters of the Arabian Sea

“Look! More humpback dolphins!” In flat calm waters at the mouth of the Indus Estuary we were watching Indian Ocean humpback dolphins, Sousa plumbea, lift their pale grey platform dorsal fins high in the air before diving for small fish and shrimps. After a few splashes they were gone – off to find more food.Continue Reading IMMA Secretariat travels to Karachi to help implement IMMAs in the coastal waters of the Arabian Sea

EBSAs in the North-East Atlantic Ocean added to the CBD Repository

EBSAs in the North-East Atlantic Ocean added to the CBD Repository

Amidst the furore of finalising the CBD’s post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) – now know as the Kunming-Montreal GBF – the results of the most recent Regional Workshop to describe Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (the North-East Atlantic Workshop held in 2019) were accepted by the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15)Continue Reading EBSAs in the North-East Atlantic Ocean added to the CBD Repository