To support GOBI’s side event at COP16 this week, a new policy brief on ocean connectivity has been published. Co-authored by Daniel Dunn, Lily Bentley, Autumn-Lynn Harrison and Anna Metaxas and produced in partnership with the Deep Ocean Stewardship, “Linking distant worlds: Understanding and measuring connectivity in the global ocean” examines the different types of ocean connectivity, how it can be monitored, and its relevance for the CBD Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework indicators and targets. It also highlights the benefits of using the Migratory Connectivity in the Ocean (MiCO) system, developed under GOBI’s recent IKI grant, to visualise connectivity and movement of migratory marine species across EEZs and ABNJ.

Linking distant worlds: Understanding and measuring connectivity in the global ocean
Banner image: Ishan Hassan / Ocean Image Bank