GOBI partner MarViva Foundation has released the electronic version of the Atlas of the Thermal Dome of Costa Rica, which was publicly launched at the Third Intergovernmental Conference for the UN BBNJ treaty negotiations in New York in August this year.

The Atlas is part of MarViva’s mission to raise awareness of the Costa Rica Thermal Dome and its importance for regional marine biodiversity. With its eye-catching cover photo of a Blue shark (Prionace glauca) the Atlas represents a major compilation of biological information, and it is hoped that it will help support the case for a regional model of ocean governance that protects the processes and resources in the Dome region.
The Atlas can be downloaded here (also in Spanish).
This work is part of GOBI’s portfolio funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) under the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).